Corporate Video
Our work helps you to stand out from the crowd. We help our clients bring ideas to life, communicating effectively and stylishly with all kinds of audiences. Embrace the true potential of creative, well-crafted video content and let us help tell your story. We offer a full video production service from initial ideas to delivery.
The Video Production Process
CONCEPTWe thrive on fresh ideas and love to get involved in video projects right from the beginning. So no matter how broad your project brief we're always happy to offer our advice and contribution.
DEVELOPMENTWe're instinctive storytellers and communicators, it's really at the heart of what we do. We write and develop strong scripts and structures that communicate efficiently and effectively.
FILMINGFilming with Oxbow is always productive. We're constantly looking for ways to improve our techniques and we'll only hit record when everything is perfected.
EDITINGThe editing process brings every video project to life. Our creative skills brings strong storytelling techniques to the fore and our technical standards are exemplary with delivery in any format.
Video, what is it good for? Absolutely everything!
COMPANY PROFILEShow people who you are and what you do. A company video let's potential contacts get to know you before they even think about getting in touch.
VIRAL CAMPAIGNViral video campaigns are essential marketing tools. To the point, funny and sharp, Revolution's ideas can help generate audience engagement.
TRAINING VIDEODeliver complicated messages visually and creatively with video. Keep your audience engaged and improve understanding.
PRODUCT GUIDESSelling highly technical or innovative products can be tough - video offers the perfect solution, showing customers the advantages of your product.
WEBSITE ADVERTSKeeping people engaged and active on your website is an essential part of creating an online profile. We offer broadcast style adverts with high impact.
CLIENT TESTIMONIALLet your clients tell the world how good you are. A video offers the most personal and genuine recommendation in the online marketplace.
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